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I'm working towards becoming a French teacher and will finish at the end of the school year with a bachelors. I'm a little concerned about my level of French. It's good, but could always be better. I guess I'm a perfectionist. Anyway, I have been considering whether I should apply to grad school for next year. This would give me an opportunity to study more and maybe spend some time in a France or Canada. However, it is very expensive and I'm not sure I will get a teaching assistantship. I know that once I get a job I will have my summers free to travel and study or maybe attend a summer masters program in Santa Barbara or UWM. I really enjoy working with high school students or community college, not sure if research is my thing.

So my question for all of you French teachers, is should I take the time and pursue a masters or just jump right into teaching and use my free time to improve my skills. I want to be able to give my students the best I have to offer....See More
James in Belgium Bonjour,

You are so very correct that an M.A. would be helpful, not only professionally but also economically. Many states pay a higher salery to teachers with an M.A. Over twenty-five years the difference is enormous.

But, you must get a job first to pay the tutition. Stay out of debt! Then, apply to a summer school M.A. program ...See More
Oct 16, 2010
Mlle Horn Thanks so much for your response. I really appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. I spent a lot of time looking at the UCSB summer program and they are not accepting applications for the future. It sounds like they may start back up again in 2012 or 2013, at least I hope so. I'm sure the California budget is the reason for this. It sound...See More
Oct 16, 2010
D Middlebury College and Bennington College also have immersion-type Masters programs that are "teacher friendly." I've been to both and could give more info if you need it.

On 10/16/10, Mlle Horn wrote: > Thanks so much for your response. I really appreciate you > taking the time to get back to me. I spent a lot of time > looking a...See More
Oct 17, 2010
Mlle Horn Just looked at the program at Middlebury. It looks great and I would love to do it! However, the cost is so high. Even with a full time teaching job, $8,000 for 4 years is a bit more than I can pay. I hope UCSB opens their program back up. If anyone else has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again.

On 10/17/10, D wrote: >...See More
Oct 23, 2010
James in Belgium I wish you to compare prices. In 1985 to go to UCSB's summer MA program, I spent 2000$. This includes airplane, tutition, room and board. I also spent 2000$ in 1986 and again in 1987. This comes to $6000 for my MA.

It took six years to gain back what I spent, but in the 20 years since then, my salery has been increased from $1000 to $1500 ...See More
Oct 28, 2010

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