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Hi, I have a copy of "Ours brun, dis moi..." on the way but need to make a "big book" version for this week and have seen different translations on the web. Does anyone know if the original translation says: "Ours brun, ours brun, dis-moi ce que tu vois?" OR "Ours brun, ours brun, dis moi que vois-tu?"

Also- do they translate goldfish as "poisson rouge" and have 2 red animals or translate litterally as golden fish?

I really appreciate all (and especially fast) responses! thanks!
James in Belgium 3...dis-moi ce que tu vois?" is the translation of (tell me what you see".

This "ce" pronoun, quite strange to French, replaces the noun in reference (an antecedent or not) and can be translated as "the thing".

Tell me the thing that you see.

It is best not to translate such grammar.

Jamse O'

On 11/29/...See More
Dec 5, 2010

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