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I took the test once and passed. Here's what to do:

1) Make flashcards of Literary Terms (ex. onomatopoeia, Metaphor, Elegy...etc)

2) If you kept ANY* notes in College or H. S. (which I didn't) review, review, review

3) Buy (or borrow from the library) a copy of The Norton Anthology of English. Study each different movement or century and the famous poets of that time. Ex:

• THE MIDDLE AGES Prepared by Alfred David Medieval Estates and Orders: Making and Breaking Rules King Arthur: Romancing Politics The First Crusade: Sanctifying War The Linguistic and Literary Contexts of Beowulf *

• THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Prepared by Stephen Greenblatt, George Logan, & Philip Schwyzer The Magician, the Heretic, and the Playwright Renaissance Exploration, Travel, and the World Outside Europe Dissent, Doubt, and Spiritual Violence in the Reformation Island Nations*

• THE EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Prepared by Barbara K. Lewalski &...See More

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