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I am looking for French penpals for my 8 French3 high school students here in NJ. Does anyone know where I can sign-up for this? I remember doing this when I was in high school and we were just given names and address of students. Most of what I've seen on the Internet are random individuals. I would prefer to work with an actual class or at least with a reputable organization. Since my students don't have access to email at school, I would like to do a letter exchange so we can work on it in class.


Madame Aiello On 2/15/11, Glenn wrote: > Hello, > > I am looking for French penpals for my 8 French3 high school > students here in NJ. Does anyone know where I can sign-up > for this?

Try Just specify in your profile (class description section) that you want to exchange postal letters to help you find a match. I have my 5 cla...See More
Apr 29, 2011

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