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I'm feeling a bit desperate as a new teacher. I teach French 2,3 and 4. My activity repertoire is low. I try not to give notes more than two or three times a week, but then on the other days, I have few practice activities. I do dictations, worksheets, powerpoints. Sometimes it feels like I repeat a lot. Teachers at my school are okay, but a little touchy about sharing. Thanks for listening!
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pagnol [link removed])

On 3/20/11, pagnol wrote: > make them talk, talk, talk, repeat, repeat, repeat. > (vocabulary, conjugations) make them do longer sentences. > Make them sing in French. Joe Dassin (pains au chocolat, Champs > Elysees, etc.) > Play "le jeu du Bac" -- a vocabulary game. You pick up a > letter of the alphabet(...See More
Mar 20, 2011
Quin génial! Je ferai demain! Merci...

On 3/20/11, pagnol wrote: > make them talk, talk, talk, repeat, repeat, repeat. > (vocabulary, conjugations) make them do longer sentences. > Make them sing in French. Joe Dassin (pains au chocolat, Champs > Elysees, etc.) > Play "le jeu du Bac" -- a vocabulary game. You pick up a > lett...See More
Mar 20, 2011
pagnol Afterwards, You can use some columns of the table to make them build sentences, as long as possible.

Jeopardy Game. You can then improvise a jeopardy game with several teams Categories : present , futur .... use you imagination. How many points (10, 50, 100)? Make a sentence at the first person, second person, using words from the previous...See More
Mar 21, 2011
Jill If you have whiteboards, put the students in groups of three. Then ask questions that can have more than 1 answer. Here are some examples:

"Name a red (yellow/green) fruit/veggie" "most common veggie grown in home gardens" "a fruit/veggie over 6 letters" really any # of letters you like depending on the average length of the words in your ...See More
Mar 21, 2011
Mme Szeljack Here are some of the students' favorite activities from French II & III: FRENCH II 1. Loto (Bingo) to review vocabulary. (I make the sheets at 2. For clothing vocabulary,we do imperatives with wacky clothes. I buy a bunch of silly clothes and accessories from dollar stores or goodwill. 3. I also have the students come up with sh...See More
Jun 15, 2011

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