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This upcoming school year, I will be teaching an upper-level class and I really want to incorporate a unit on idiomatic expressions, spoken French vs. written French, and introducing them to slang (like verlan). Does anyone have resources they'd be willing to share with this type of thing?

Also, I would LOVE to find French equivalents to current American slang. The students would eat it up, but I haven't really been able to find anything like that. Thanks so much for any help!
Volesprit69 Hi,

you can try this website

[link removed]

It's in french but there are all the words you need as well as a verlan dictionnary. As a french person, I would advice you not to make them learn too much of verlan. Despite the fact that almost every words can be translated into verlan, only a very small part are used frequ...See More
Jun 18, 2011

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