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Hi, We are on the search for a second year French text that introduces most of the tenses and includes cultural and speaking activities. Can anyone recommend a current text?

Thank you.

Susan Furste
Jarod H-M Since a lot of people's idea of second year French is different, It would be helpful to know what tenses or skills you are expecting to cover.

On 3/10/16, Susan Furste wrote: > Hi, > We are on the search for a second year French text that > introduces most of the tenses and includes cultural and > speaking activities. Can anyo...See More
Mar 11, 2016
Kim I like VHL's D'Accord 2 - It has a reprise section at the beginning that has a lot of basic French from French 1,including the passé composé and the imparfait. It has all the tenses, including the subjunctive. It does not address the passé simple, but I do that with my own sources.

On 3/10/16, Susan Furste wrote: > Hi, > We are on...See More
Apr 28, 2016

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