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Hello all, for the life of me I cannot remember this book . It's a level 4(ish) reader that has brief history passages and adapted literature (including reading exercises). It's was (at least 15 + years ago) a soft cover book, greenish, generic Medieval art on the front. It's not Trésors du temps, which is the only one I can find. If anyone remembers this book, I'm in your debt!
Chris B Found it! Moments littéraires (the cover has changed)

On 6/19/16, Chris Brandon wrote: > Hello all, for the life of me I cannot remember this book > . It's a level 4(ish) reader that has brief history > passages and adapted literature (including reading > exercises). It's was (at least 15 + years ago) a soft > cover book, g...See More
Jun 19, 2016

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