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I have read many threads comparing French textbooks and understand no series is perfect. However, I have been given the opportunity to change up my Level 3/4 text in a week as they are together in one class and the 4s have already used the Discovering French book. I am considering D'Accord, but it looks difficult. Is T'es Branché appropriate to use at this point, or is it too easy? My students are Level 3, but I inherited a class with low skills. Thanks!
Jarod H-M If your students have a skill deficient, then Discovering French or Bien Dit would be a good option. T'es Branché is not quite as advanced as D'accord (which is based on a college text) but is quite rigorous in my opinion. Granted, I have never taught a full year using the book.
Sep 19, 2016
Chris B. We use T'es branché in our A an B levels (6th and 7th grade) but then we have Bon Voyage for French 1-3. The latter series is barely maintained and I'm actively looking to switch to T'es branché.

From what I understand, licensing is fairly cheap for the etexts on a longish (around 6 years) license. Added bonus, as far as I can tell from...See More
Sep 20, 2016
James in Belgium Have you looked at the textbook series, Allez-Viens !.

Regardless of which 3rd-year text you select, your level 4 students will be at a disadvantage if they are to repeat the content of a 3rd year book.

It is a shame to have to combine classes. Best of luck,


On 9/18/16, Tina O. wrote: > I have read ma...See More
Oct 2, 2016

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