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In "I'm One of the Worst Teachers in My State" award-winning teacher Simone Ryals writes:

In the past decade, I have been greatly moved and honored to win numerous awards and been nominated for more still. My curriculum night presentations are always standing room only, because I’m the funny teacher who is going to make that half hour come to life with hands-on science, leaving them running to administration to sing my praises. ... My efforts pay off in children happily learning at high levels. Like so many of us here, I’m a doer, always thinking what more I can bring to my school and my students. Two years ago, I was lauded for my students receiving extremely high state test scores.

So, I hope you will excuse me if I’m a little grumpy that my name will be printed in newspapers and posted online as an inferior teacher in need of serious improvement. [Click below to read the rest.]

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