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Thanks for the links on the main board. I wanted to get away from some folks over there so I posted here.

Did you ever see the pbs series "Chef"? A character on that show - an alcoholic chef - was played by Ian McNeice, the actor who plays Bert on Doc Martin. I read that he was also in Doctor Who but I never could get interested in that show.

You may be aware that Martin Clunes is married to "Doc Martin"'s producer and that they both own the show or are part owners.

I was completely unaware of the worldwide popularity of the show. It just showed up one night on my local pbs station.

My local station also started showing the detective series "Scott and Bailey" again. I think one of the actresses on it does an outstanding job. I watched "Call the Midwife" and "Father Brown" lately...initially because the settings, cars, clothing, are pretty authentic and nostalgic. But the best authentic setting, set d...See More
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two cents Dang, my memory! You had already told me before that you didn't see those pbs shows, and I forgot. And oh my goodness I had forgotten about Downton Abbey resuming tonight. I can't wait to see who Robert orders out of the house to never return - as shown in the preview - but the camera was on the ex-chauffeur just a second before. I hope it isn't h...See More
Jan 4, 2015
Novel Did you enjoy Downton Abbey? Did you stay up late?
Jan 5, 2015
Kathleen On 1/05/15, Novel wrote:
> Did you enjoy Downton Abbey? Did you stay up late?

LOL. Thank you for checking in on me.

I didn't start watching it. I knew if I started, I'd
probably stay up very late and today I need to be rested.

Are you a fan of the show, Novel?
Jan 5, 2015
Novel On 1/05/15, Kathleen wrote:

> > LOL. Thank you for checking in on me. > > I didn't start watching it. I knew if I started, I'd > probably stay up very late and today I need to be rested. > > Are you a fan of the show, Novel?

Yep, simply love it. Great brain candy.
Jan 6, 2015
magnolia On 1/06/15, Novel wrote: > On 1/05/15, Kathleen wrote: > >> >> LOL. Thank you for checking in on me. >> >> I didn't start watching it. I knew if I started, I'd >> probably stay up very late and today I need to be rested. >> >> Are you a fan of the show, Novel? > > Yep, simply love it. Great brai...See More
Jan 6, 2015

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