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On DA this week, Cora mentioned that her father was Jewish. I wondered about the British aristocracy's acceptance of her since I believe there was some general anti-Semitism in that time period. You may recall how opposed Lord Grantham was to the infant Sybie's baptism in the Catholic church and the critical remarks he made about the priest and the church; I can imagine he would have felt the same way, or worse, toward Jews...but is the story realistic -or not - in its premise that an aristocrat would have married outside his religion in order to save Downton during that time?

I found something online from a Jewish magazine that says that Downton Abbey glosses over anti-Semitism; I excerted a couple of paragraphs from it, below.

tabletmag .com/jewish-arts-and-culture/120923/downton- shabby

At the least, it (anti-Semitism) would have explained a couple of things: why the Crawleys seem always to be shut up in Yorkshire, away from any semblance of society; why...See More

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