Please keep me in your thoughts. As you've seen below, I had to leave my last job - it was untenable. I do need to work though and finding a new position is hard, isn't it?
Bluettewhen a position becomes TOXIC you have make a change before it destroys you...Good Luck in your next endeavor....may you find some thing where you are happy...please keep us up to date
So sorry to hear of the stress you've endured with work. I am thinking positive, calming thoughts and prayers for a new position for you. Hope you have good news soon!
Bill T NC (now retired) sometimes you've just got to take the leap, go out on faith, and hope for the best.
I've been lucky. Only walked away from one situation in my entire career and I left that one because my health, both mental and physical, was being impacted.
Take care of you or you will be of little use to others.