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Hello everyone! Last September my regular doctor announced that I had arthritis and multiple bone spurs in each knee. I was on Lortabs multiple times a day and took early vacation to have the first knee replacement. The surgery went well, but the recovery was...terrible. As in losing my religion terrible. Neither my husband nor my youngest son want to do any more nursing of any type ever again. It's the first of March and only last week have I been able to walk without a cane. Still getting physical therapy 3 times a week, and the knee only this week bends 80 degrees, and that is after wearing a DynaSplint. We won't talk about that form of torture. I've lost 48 pounds and counting.

In May, immediately after turning in Spring semester grades, I'll go in for the next surgery. Doctor and I have agreed that I'll go into a rehab facility, just in case the 2nd knee goes south.

And, the plan is that I'll be teaching July classes...
Positive person Oh. My. Word, marjoryt! I am SO very sorry your knee replacement surgery and recovery has been so difficult. Does your doctor have any idea why? Are you using the same doctor for the second surgery?

On 3/02/17, marjoryt wrote: > Hello everyone! > Last September my regular doctor announced that I had > arthritis and multiple bone ...See More
Mar 2, 2017
Novel Eugh! Sounds horrible. Sorry for you :-( Really hope the second surgery is easier on you and your family. Keep in touch xx
Mar 2, 2017
Betty Ann Marjoryt--

I've missed you. Your posts were always so interesting, full of information about how you were taking low level college students and working to bring them to a place where they could do college level learning.

It sounds like the past six months or so have been a terrible ordeal for you. Looking up's hoping th...See More
Mar 13, 2017

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