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I feel I need to increase the frequency of quizzes I give, but need to make this process as quick to administer and to grade as possible. I do want to be able to give 2 versions so that I minimize the copying that might occur. I have some ideas but would love to hear how others accomplish this. Thanks!
Daniel Hanson Make them short, like 5-10 questions. You can make them short answer or multiple choice. I sometimes have my TA grade quizzes. If you can manage it, you can have students grade their own quizzes. If they are suspected of cheating, they get a zero. No if, and, or buts. They can use a colored pen or pencil, highlight, or marker to grade their own qui...See More
Jul 18, 2012
mm I use my test banks for multiple choice and true/false quizzes which can check understanding throughout a unit, etc. When it comes to the actual tests and exams, some of these questions magically reappear (there really is a reason for kids to pay attention when taking up quizzes!) I often tweak the questions for the final unit test and for exams. ...See More
Jul 19, 2012
Joe/HS/CT If you're giving multiple choice or short answer type questions, put the answer blanks all down the same column so you can quickly go down the paper and grade the answers. For multiple choice, you can also use a Scantron machine (if that's available to you) to grade those answers. I only use it for tests, but one teacher in my department has studen...See More
Jul 20, 2012

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