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I'm thinking about flipping my Biology class next semester. Anyone try this before? How did it work out for you?
piare2 I have not, but plan to do this SOME. Depends on how many kids don't have access at home. I plan to have them watch a lesson and work a problem along with it (I'm math). Then quickly review that same concept the next day and give them practice problems to work on while I'm there to help with any problems.

I just don't know what to do about...See More
Jul 25, 2012
piare2 with a bit more I can totally see this in Science. They day before a lab, for instance they could watch a video about a similar lab, or that addresses the topic (plate tectonics, for example) so they will get more from the lab. Maybe watch a video, read about what lab they will be doing and form their hypotheses at home...

On 7/25/12, piare2 wrote: > I...See More
Jul 25, 2012

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