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I wanted to share this article and get your reactions from it. I really would like to know the district and the teacher's side of the story, not just the angry mom's side of the story.
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Daniel Hanson Very good points. I hate the mentality that if a child or parent complains to the school, they just expect the school to just change the grade for them. Notice how the school automatically changed the grade to a B just because the mother complained about the grade and made accusations. Most teachers are competent at what they do and they legally ar...See More
Jul 28, 2012
piare2 I know that one must be very careful about grades with AP and advanced kids. When decimals separate them for class ranking, and their college hopes (not to mention scholarships) hinge upon them, we can't be too careful to be as fair as possible.

I, too, would love to hear the rest of the story. It is entirely possible though. Of course the...See More
Jul 28, 2012
Vet Teacher On 7/28/12, Daniel Hanson wrote:

Neither do we know that the 'school automatically changed the grade to a B' - we don't know how much discussion and thought went into the school's decision as to how to respond to it. To blithely say they 'automatically changed the grade' is to speak without knowing.

This mother did accuse the tea...See More
Jul 30, 2012
Problem with open gradebooks My school implemented an "open gradebook" last year, through with students and parents can see their grades any time. A problem with this, in my opinion, is that they can be easily misled when the teacher only has minor assignment grades (e.g. homework/classwork) and no assessments yet. Sure, a student might have a 100% average at some point, but o...See More
Aug 3, 2012
Problem with open gradebooks--THIS ONE Sorry--had some errors in the last one that I missed!!

My school implemented an "open gradebook" last year, through which students and parents can see their grades any time. A problem with this, in my opinion, is that they can be easily misled when the teacher only has minor assignment grades (e.g. homework/classwork) and no assessments y...See More
Aug 3, 2012

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