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I have worked for a large corporation for the last 18 years, and I was just hired as a 9th grade teacher for our local high school. I am 47 and this will be MY first day of school also! I am suddenly feeling completely overwhelmed!

Is there ONE major thing I should do/know before I start this wonderful new journey in two weeks?
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Been there! On 8/06/12, Marian T. wrote: > I have worked for a large corporation for the last 18 > years, and I was just hired as a 9th grade teacher for our > local high school. I am 47 and this will be MY first day > of school also! I am suddenly feeling completely > overwhelmed! > > Is there ONE major thing I should do/know before I sta...See More
Aug 7, 2012
Zodea I could have written many of these posts.

I also like Harry Wong's First Day of School. It may seem like it's geared towards elementary, but it does work in high school.

Have you also posted on the subject related board that you will be teaching? (I teach high school science if you are doing that).

Remember that not ever...See More
Aug 8, 2012
classroom passes I issue students three Class Passes at the start of each grading period. These are the guidelines I share with the students when I hand them out:

1. No Pass, No Restroom, no exceptions. This applies to any reason a student would have to leave the room for a non-emergency. I stand firm with this, and it works. Eventually students will borro...See More
Aug 9, 2012
Other Options If you indicate what subject(s) you will be teaching and if you will have block periods or not, you may get some more specific suggestions. Also, is this a class where students with disabilities are likely to be included. If this is so, then making some time to read over the section of the IEPs that pertain to your subject area may be important and...See More
Aug 25, 2012
You can do it! You can do this. I will feel like you can't sometimes, but you can.

Be willing accept and respond to feedback learn from it and you will get better and be awesome.

Ask for feedback if you are having trouble. If you feel stabbed in the back by the first person you ask for help, find someone else and ask for help till you get what...See More
Aug 25, 2012

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