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I've taught an AP course for the first time this year. about 1/3 of my class passed the exam. I tried my utmost to prepare them and I know they tried their best. I would say based on their Reading and Writing levels and the fact that our school serves an economically disadvantaged community, they did okay. My question to you is, is it normal to have a low percentage like this pass the first time you try teaching an AP course?
Jo On 7/16/14, AP Rookie wrote: > I've taught an AP course for the first time this year. > about 1/3 of my class passed the exam. I tried my utmost to > prepare them and I know they tried their best. I would say > based on their Reading and Writing levels and the fact that > our school serves an economically disadvantaged community, >...See More
Jul 16, 2014
Lit Teacher On 7/16/14, AP Rookie wrote: > I've taught an AP course for the first time this year. > about 1/3 of my class passed the exam. I tried my utmost to > prepare them and I know they tried their best. I would say > based on their Reading and Writing levels and the fact that > our school serves an economically disadvantaged community, >...See More
Jul 16, 2014
It depends on what specific course you taught. On 7/16/14, AP Rookie wrote: > I've taught an AP course for the first time this year. > about 1/3 of my class passed the exam. I tried my utmost to > prepare them and I know they tried their best. I would say > based on their Reading and Writing levels and the fact that > our school serves an economically disadvantaged community, >...See More
Jul 16, 2014
hst@yahoo.com On 7/16/14, AP Rookie wrote: > I've taught an AP course for the first time this year. > about 1/3 of my class passed the exam. I tried my utmost to > prepare them and I know they tried their best. I would say > based on their Reading and Writing levels and the fact that > our school serves an economically disadvantaged community, >...See More
Jul 22, 2014
Erin I teach AP Language to juniors in a small, rural, high-poverty community. We also have AP Literature (seniors). We find it varies a lot from class to class on passing--this year's seniors were a motivated bunch and of the 8 who took the exam, all 8 got 3 or 4. I consider 3 a pass because most colleges offer credit at that point. We don't have many ...See More
Jul 29, 2014

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