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I had an incident at freshman orientation this morning that I'm still shaking my head about it.

School starts tomorrow but we had the incoming freshman for a half-day orientation today. At one point we had them broken down into small groups and I was discussing and answering questions about various school procedures. One girl raises her hand asks to go to the bathroom. I told her that we had a break coming up and asked if she could wait until then. She insisted that she had to go now, so I let her go.

Maybe 5 minutes later, another teacher comes into the room with the freshman girl in tow. The girl had been smoking in the girls' room. School has even started yet and this girl is already smoking in the girls' room. We hadn't even had a rotation in place yet to monitor in-school suspension and Saturday detention because we've never needed it on the first day and first Saturday before, but I guess there is a first time for everything. Wednesday, Thursday & Frida...See More
J. F. Yet had you not let her go, since she INSISTED that she could not wait, you would have been the "bad guy". It's so hard to know when to believe these "emergencies". You are not to blame!

On 9/08/15, Karen wrote: > I had an incident at freshman orientation this > morning that I'm still shaking my head about it. >...See More
Sep 8, 2015

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