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I am in a very uncomfortable situation in a Henry County school in Georgia. I want to get out of my contract, but I am under contract. Under what conditions is this possible? What advice can anyone give me?
Math Teach Nice. I bet the teacher applicants who applied for your job and didn't get it are just as uncomfortable, at least financially.

In my state, one must give 30 days notice. If not, they face certificate action if re-employed in a public school during the same school year. YMMV

On 9/24/15, Johnny Black wrote: > I am in a very unco...See More
Sep 25, 2015
Liz/OH It's really going to depend on the reason and honestly, how easy it would be for them to get a replacement. I teach social studies and I have broken a contract before with no issues. But if I taught math or science, it would have probably been more difficult because it's harder to replace a math teacher. Good luck. It must be pretty bad if you're t...See More
Sep 25, 2015

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