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Our school is starting the Character Counts program this coming fall. If anyone has any great lesson ideas for the six character traits or knows of a wonderful website for K- 6 I would love to hear from you!
DeAnn Our whole school district uses Character Counts for K-8. In the elementary schools we repeat the pledge each morning after the pledge and the counselors come in bi-weekly to give the lessons. Just hearing from someone other than the homeroom teacher brings the lessons home.
Jun 2, 2011
Lesley Hutton That's a good idea-I don't think our counselor has the time, but we heard about doing behavior rotation stations (10 stations 5 min. each every two weeks on a Friday) where we give brief reminder lessons about rules around school, given by those adults that it is affected by--for instance the nurse gives procedures for visiting the nurse, janitors ...See More
Jun 2, 2011
Adri We do Character Counts at my school, but this year we seemed to stray away from it for some reason. Just like with DeAnn the counselor is the one that would stop by every month and present one of the character traits. My class in the past enjoyed having the counselor over and do the interactive lesson. I hope this coming up school year we go back t...See More
Jun 2, 2011

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