Just for Fun
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When I read a "hard copy" book, I like to make notes in the margins sometimes. How about you?

I guess I think there is something valid about the commercial that mentions "dog-ear the page" and get back to it.

I also many times will start a book and fall asleep in bed with it. Does the Kindle automatically turn itself off after a time without pages turned?

Like any technology, I would have to have one in hand to "play" with it to see if I like it and it is worth having.

Our end of the year workshops are for interactive white boards and I am fascinated by that. Everything I learn with technology is by hands-on.

Actually, I came here looking for some fun stuff...on the "Just for Fun" board.

I'll keep looking at the posts here...hoping to get or share a chuckle.

I'm never too old to learn, but my sig. is OFM= Old Faithful M. (I teach in a Christian school and appreciate that some of you have the latest technology and take cour...See More
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Kelly Z I really believe there is room for both in the world. I love turning the pages and looking at the cover of a book. I don't have a kindle, but I think there is room in this book lover's heart for one. I can see where a kindle would be a preferred method of reading. Be open, don't be rigid! Find some room in your heart for a kindle!

On 6/03/...See More
Jun 4, 2011
slv67 OFM - I too like to dog ear, but I am looking forward to having 100s of books available to read and review. It is difficult to travel with stacks of books!

Keep on learning!
Jun 5, 2011
Arlene Pitts On 6/05/11, slv67 wrote: > OFM - I too like to dog ear, but I am looking forward to > having 100s of books available to read and review. It is > difficult to travel with stacks of books! > > Keep on learning! I've seen a kindle at work and not only can you have 100s of books there are games and reference materials, eg periodic table,...See More
Jun 8, 2011
Michaelle Frank The best part of Kindle at school is that you can put it on the ELMO and project the text onto the screen, then use it to teach text marking. My students love it.
Jun 8, 2011
j.e. You can highlight text and make notes on a page in the Kindle. There's a link to all your notes and highlights, but I haven't taken the time to figure out how to 'page' through them if I've a more than a few notes. It's harder to flip through than a paper book. If it's a book I want to refer to often, I'll get the hard copy. For novels it's great! ...See More
Jun 10, 2011

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