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HI. Our County is revising our elementary report cards. Does anyone have a rating scale that they love? We currently use PINT (proficient, in process, needs development, and to be taught). I saw the proposed scale which includes D,S,M, P (distinguished, strong, marginal, progressive). I have been told this won't change but when I look up the definitions in the dictionary, marginal is NOT better than progressing. Can anyone share what they use in their county ?
shazli On 5/08/16, Lisa wrote: > HI. Our County is revising our elementary report cards. > Does anyone have a rating scale that they love? We currently > use PINT (proficient, in process, needs development, and to > be taught). I saw the proposed scale which includes D,S,M, > P (distinguished, strong, marginal, progressive). I have > bee...See More
May 9, 2016
Flacka I have worked in schools where the report cards were a report of where the child is on the continuum of learning (mastered, developing, etc) with no indication as to how they compare to what is expected or how they stack up to the other kids. I have also worked where the report compares the child to the district's expectations (exceeds expectations...See More
May 9, 2016
Jessie Call me old school, but I think E,S,N,and U clearly tell parents where their children stand concerning grades and progress. E=Excellent, S= Satisfactory, N= Needs improvement, but is progressing, and U= Unsatisfactory, progressing very slowly or not at all. I never had a parent not understand this grading method. IMHO, when we get to "fancy&qu...See More
May 14, 2016
Lisa I agree!

On 5/14/16, Jessie wrote: > Call me old school, but I think E,S,N,and U clearly tell > parents where their children stand concerning grades and > progress. E=Excellent, S= Satisfactory, N= Needs improvement, > but is progressing, and U= Unsatisfactory, progressing very > slowly or not at all. I never had a parent no...See More
May 20, 2016

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