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Any of you kindergarten teachers ever break an ankle and return to work? It will be less than 3 weeks after my break that school starts and right now it is impossible to get around. I am wondering if I should return to work or take the time off. I HATE the thought of missing the first couple of weeks? So hard to predict what type of mobility I will have in a few weeks. If tomorrow was the first day I would have to stay home but who knows what kind of difference a week or 2 might make?

Looking for some realistic advice to help me make a smart decision!
flacka I know that even if I was in a wheel chair I would want to be there on the first day(s) and would want/need help from a sub, assistant, or trusted volunteer and wouldn't try to do it on my own. However, I would be leading, even if someone had to do the actual physical things like getting them down the hall to lunch, tying shoes, etc.
Aug 27, 2017

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