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Hello, everyone! Any suggestions for writers workshop mini-lessons? We are focusing on non-fiction in L.A. & mammals in science, so I'm trying to integrate that into my mini-lessons. Some of my students need a lot of support w/ beginning sounds & stretching out words in their writing. I was thinking of doing a (can, have, are) graphic organizer for a specific animal & model it, or a mini-book for an animal w/ (habitat, food, etc.) I'm a new teacher and looking for any tips, suggestions, or other ideas that can help my struggling students more with their writing.
KForLife Writer's Workshop is a difficult to execute in Kindergarten (esp non-fiction). And for the most-part it's for the reasons you mentioned... they can't "write" their ideas independently. You could have them draw their animal then have the mini-lesson be about labelling so they are writing the same words (head, tail, legs, etc).

I don't do W...See More
Mar 28, 2018

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