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My son's teacher has said that he doesn't always pay attention and he is struggling in school, I do agree he probably does talk alot or not always pay attention and i have been working on it with him. However he also does need almost everytime he has homework for me to sit down and explain what he has to do..i told the teacher that because she seems to think that every kid should be at the same level when i asked if she could just be sure when they are working on something if he is not doing it then go over and ask if he needs help or understands assignment..she said that is not the way i teach he will have to raise his hand and ask for help so I told him he needs to ask for help he has come home 4 times since and said he asked for help and was told no. I just want to know if I'm right that a kindergarten teacher should never refuse to help a student if they ask for help? Even if during a test?
Saida Can someone please just tell me whether u think it's ok or not. I know its hard to be a kindergarten teacher but I don't think it's right that the teacher tells my son no.
Apr 13, 2018
Kindermama First off, I would ask the teacher how she plans to help your child. You can talk to him about how to behave at school, but she is ultimately responsible for teaching him everything he needs to learn in Kindergarten. I also wondered if he was not engaged in class and then asking for help when the class was transitioning to the next activity, when s...See More
Apr 23, 2018

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