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Okay, I hope I'm not looking like an ignorant person right
now but this question is bugging me and I hope the
professionals here can help me.

1. Does listening to a tape of a subject while you sleep
help you retain and learn it better when you are awake?

2. Assuming that the answer to #1 is Yes - If one can stand
to listen to two or more tapes simultaneoulsy while he or
she sleeps, can the brain properly process the information
so that it enhances the learning of the three subjects
while the person is awake.
Ex. Listen to a tape of Hamlet, a lesson on speaking in
Spanish, and a tape on Calculus.

I have not done this yet, mainly because I only have one
tape player right now.

Let me know your opinions and any web sites where I can
find more information on this.

Is this what they call "subliminal learning"?
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sm /blockquote>

On 10/01/04, rather not say right now wrote:
> Okay, I hope I'm not looking like an ignorant person right
> now but this question is bugging me and I hope the
> professionals here can help me.
> 1. Does listening to a tape of a subject while you sleep
> help you retain and learn it...See More
May 19, 2007
Mrs. Robinson /blockquote>

my chemistry teacher used this method to learn spanish, he
swears on it. No idea how old he was, but still, i suppose it works.
Jul 3, 2007
James /blockquote>

On 5/18/07, Aaron wrote:
> Tracy,
> This is a very interesting phenomena that requires more
> research. Many current pop artist seem to incorporate others
> songs into they're own. This is a well documented phenomena.We
> may have stubled upon the something. Good luck with your "Po...See More
Jul 7, 2007
Nemirovich Danchenko /blockquote>

> Is this what they call "subliminal learning"?

No. This is called Hypnopedia. It derives from the Greek Hypno+Pethi

There is absolutely no scientific evidence that this works. You need the whole
brain, both the left and right to process information. Since the left side is
...See More
Mar 18, 2008
predator On 7/03/07, Mrs. Robinson wrote: > my chemistry teacher used this method to learn spanish, he > swears on it. No idea how old he was, but still, i suppose it works.

i really want 2 learn danish cos im half danish and cos im 15 i was thinking it would sink in quite quick so i can finally talk 2 relatives but just wondering if it works
Jul 4, 2010

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