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I see this term all the time, but I am really confused
about what it means. I thought it was just a loose
philosophy that believed in the "powers" of various types
of ideas (crystals, positive thinking, aroma therapy ect)
I also thought it was kind of an individual choice, one
person might believe in the power of positive thinking and
be labeled "new age" but that would be the extent of their
new ageness. I did not think it was a "religion". A
religion has a more formal set of beliefs and tenants. a
religion usually has a prophet that the followers read his
ideas. Is ther a single new age prophet? Is there any
authoritative book that sets down what "new age" beliefs
are? As I said I really do not understand exactly what is
meant by this term. Thank you for your input
John Dunn /blockquote>

Hi, Linda.

Since your posting is from May 29th and nobody replied, so
just out of curiosity, I put the ternm "new age" into Google
to see what would happen.

Oh boy!! What a list came up!

It looks like the term doesn't really have a clear-cut
definition at all, but rather it's used (usu...See More
Jun 7, 2005

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