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What I see is very sad...

I see so many people here who are looking, rightfully so,
for solutions to children's learning and developmental
needs. What I am deeply saddened by, is the unfortunate
nature by which loving parents and teachers are lead
toward unresearched, unfounded, and in the case of Doman-
Delacato Repatterning techniques--treatments which have
been well-researched and found to have been entirely

I don't mean to be a "downer" here, but I feel that my
extensive research background has a purpose here. I want
to continue to educate those who have not looked, or not
found, the research behind the techniques they are
interested in using.

Please review the following items. They are a small
sampling of the multiple research articles out there that
strongly indicate Doman's techniques are not supported in
the literature.

Psychomotor Repatterning--Pseud...See More
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Danny Murray /blockquote>

Jan. 19, 2006


Does anyone know anything about the effectiveness of the
Structures of Intellect labs and improving reading skills.
Our school distrct just invested huge amounts of money into
the labs the be used as reading intervention. I can't find
any 3rd person research from outside o...See More
Jan 19, 2006
Kim U /blockquote>

I'm sorry to read that people do not beleive in the
repatterning. I am a beleiver, because it helped me. I was
unable to crawl or sit up at the age of 9 months, I could only
roll to get to where I wanted to go. My parents were told, by a
specialist I would never be "normal." Thank god my parents
didn't l...See More
Mar 27, 2006
Robin Burn /blockquote>

The Treatment of Neurologically Impaired Children Using Patterning
Movement Therapy

The submission by the AAP, that, “treatment programmes that offer
patterning remain unfounded” needs to be considered thus; the
basis of today’s physical therapy movement programmes, is built
entirely on the pre...See More
Mar 1, 2007
CJ Rezac There is newer research than was quoted earlier, which proclaims what Doman/Delacato knew then; is confirmed now! In 2007 PBS aired a program about The Brain Fitness and sited multiple researchers who have become believers in the premise that specific activity can have profound effects to those suffering from learning disabilities by working with t...See More
Aug 8, 2008
M. Fitzpatrick 40 years ago today at the SAME moment that Man walked on the moon, my six year old developmentally disabled sister took her first solo steps across our living room. It was to the credit of the Doman Delacato patterning program and the tireless efforts and hundreds of hours by volunteers who taught her brain how to creep, crawl and ultimately to wal...See More
Jul 20, 2009

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