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Last year I had morning preps and with our rotating
schedule, I could count on having 2 or 3 days a week where
I had 2 in one day (about an hour each. This year I have
afternoon preps and with the schedule, I get less days of
double preps, which is so much the problem as the fact
that I just cannot be productive in the afternoon! (As
you can see since I am posting here!) I never thought I'd
say it but I am a morning person. I am so drained from
the day that I cannot put energy into copying, running
around to talk to people, let alone actual planning.
Therefore, I end up working a lot at home after I have
rested, eaten etc. I don't mind doing work at home but
usually I do grading or reading, not heavy duty planning.

Does anyone have suggestions on adjusting to afternoon
versus morning preps? How else do people use their prep
time effectively?

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Language Arts

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