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Hi all,
I am a new teacher with a 1-2 classroom, but I am not new
to the classroom environment. I have worked as a
sub/instructional aide for the past 4 years. I just
started my first job as a teacher a few days ago. My
problem is, my students are coming from very overcrowded
classrooms that were VERY noisy. Their teachers raised
their voices a lot. The students learned to tune out the
teacher, and they talk ALL THE TIME. Nonstop. I can't
get through anything. I think I get about one minute of
instruction in, then have to stop for 4 or 5 minutes to
get the children's attention, manage behavior, and get it
quiet again. Then I have a minute before it starts in
Line-up time is the absolute worst. They line up and
chat, chat, chat. I spent 15 minutes today just
practicing line-up at the door. It was time for bathroom
break (I have to take my whole class to the bathroom at
one time; it tak...See More
alycia /blockquote>

I think that you should ask the children about what they are
talking about that is so importatnt. have a little
conversation with them. When they see that you are taking an
interest into what they are talking about, maybe they will
take an interest to what you are talking about. then make a
deal that if ...See More
Oct 16, 2005

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