Learning Research
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My son started reading recovery about 3-4 weeks ago. he
started on level d in class and has since moved up to F...
he skipped two levels. In RR he started at 4 and is now at
He seems to be doing well. His classroom teacher is
pleased. she says they still have to work on some gapslike
letter and number reversals...my son is 6 born in november
and in first grade. she feels it wil improve but still
effects the reading and writing. he actually has beautiful
handwriting. should i be worried. she said and i 've heard
it is "normal" at this stage of devleopment. How do you
think his progress is...any thoughts out there?
Alissa /blockquote>

On 3/10/07, mom of RR child wrote:
> My son started reading recovery about 3-4 weeks ago. he
> started on level d in class and has since moved up to F...
> he skipped two levels. In RR he started at 4 and is now at
> 7/6.
> He seems to be doing well. His classroom teacher is
> please...See More
Mar 30, 2007

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