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In view of the news of the untimely death of Dr Carl
Delacato,Educational Psychologist,former Head Master and
educational advisor for standards for Pennsylvania who
along with the Doman’s proposed the basis for Neurological
Reorganisation based on the concepts of Human Movement
proposed by Fay, is it now the opportunity for the AAP to
reconsider its position on the work of the Doman-Delacato
team ultimately re-engineered in later years by Delacato
alone to arrive at a programme to assist neurological
dysfunctional individuals currently practised worldwide by
so many different organisations. These organisations
proclaiming and recognising the part played by Delacato in
developing the basis of the techniques they currently
Should the AAP stand alone in the World continuing alone to
criticise proceedures existing since more than 50 years to
the benefit of thousands of individuals having and ...See More

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