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Lindamood Bell is a good program for very low performing
students. This is the only group where I have seen
measurable growth. After one year with this program I
have seen little to no growth in my classroom for the low
performing students and up.

My district has made it a mandatory program for many of the
students. We have had a few Lindamood Bell "supervisors,"
they do not stay long. Most have had a very dim view of
our teachers and other programs. They bully their way into
our school and treat us poorly.

A student in my class, who incidentally came into my class
reading at grade level, was chosen to participate in the 10
week program. Afterwards he was chosen to give a "canned"
speech to our school board, saying, in effect, he was a non-
reader when he came into the program and now he is a
reader. Our board ate it up and cannot say enough good
things about this program.

There i...See More

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