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Apparently I have the reputation of being mean and hard on my students. I was unaware that I was so unfriendly as the students that come to me are always asking for assistance and talking with me. I am trying get teachers to open up and ask me for assistance with their classroom units, but with this reputation, I seem to be scaring them off instead.

I have had more activities in the library this year than ever before. I have worked with more teachers this year than in all previous years combined. People come in and comment about how inviting I have made the environment. I am sending out newletters about activities in the library, so I am communicating more than ever. I am following the rules that have been set before me about student usage. Mind you, I do not set these rules. I am, however, required to follow them. These rules limit how the students get to come to the library. These rules are changing next year due to factors outside of the library.

I know this is a l...See More
Debi Hinton What an awkward position to be in! You wouldn't be working with books and children if you didn't love them both. I would go back to the person who shared these concerns with you and ask for some examples and possibly some suggestions from them about what they would like to see improved. It sounds like there are not any complaints about your hard wo...See More
May 19, 2009
GT Unfortunately, these concerns were placed in an anonomyous survey that went out this year. The soft skills you mentioned were also listed in the survey by the teachers that have worked with me this year. I know I don't need to dwell so much on the negative. I need to use it to improve and move on. However, it hurts. Just two more weeks and I can mo...See More
May 20, 2009
Cybrary Man "You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time."

I understand how you are feeling. It does take time to develop good relationships with classroom teachers and students. Some teachers resent library teachers because they feel they have an easie...See More
May 21, 2009
Cybrary Man I tried emailing you but it was blocked on several of my email addresses:

I feel that the minimum should definitely be two books per term. It is hard to believe that there is no standard set by your administration. You might want to consider extra credit for reading more books above the required number each term. You could also try three b...See More
May 26, 2009

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