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Hi there! I am currently taking a class on Censorship. I have been reading a lot of articles etc. on the Library Bill of Rights and Intellectual Freedom. How would you handle this scenario in your building? A teacher in the building complains over a book that 4th-6th graders are going to read for Battle of the books. It is called, To Dance (graphic Novel) In the book the author refers to the word "boobs" and also it discusses their size etc. The teacher complains about it and wants it pulled from the kids. He also won't return the copy that he has until the issue is resolved. So how would you handle it? Who would be your resource to prevent the censorship from taking place. Any help with this would be GREAT! Thank you
G Does your district have a challenged book policy? If so, that is the place to start. If the teacher is unwilling to fill out the forms for a formal complaint, then there is no complaiant. The book must be returned with the formal complaint so that the book committee can read the book and analyze the content for appropriateness. In my district, the ...See More
May 26, 2009

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