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Grant Writing Tips [link removed]

Teacher Kim McCloud, who’s been successful in winning 11 grants in two years, funding many classroom materials and projects – even field trips – shares her winning strategies.

Kim McCloud is a first grade teacher in Tumwater, Washington. She has been successful with grant writing tips and wishes to share those tips to help other teachers.

Kim says: I have won 11 grants in the past two years-including 3 field trips (for my entire first grade), a writing curriculum, math materials and manipulatives, reading materials (books for my guided reading time as well as for my Nightly Reading Program in which my kids check out books to read at home), white boards, erasers, markers, and storage units for them. You name it, I apply for it! My kids benefit sooooooooooooooo much from it! I hope others can benefit from my grant writing tips!

The article is followed by these helpful links to additional resources that will help...See More

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