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Elementary LMS, have you added this year's Newbery, The Graveyard Book to your collection. I read and liked it but wonder how it will be received by faculty, parents, etc. *I have some teachers in my schol who raise there eyebrows at Riordan's Lightening Theif seris and Horowitz's Alex Rider series.
eiela On 7/04/09, Book question wrote: > Elementary LMS, have you added this year's Newbery, The > Graveyard Book to your collection. I read and liked it but > wonder how it will be received by faculty, parents, etc. *I > have some teachers in my schol who raise there eyebrows at > Riordan's Lightening Theif seris and Horowitz's Alex Rider...See More
Jul 11, 2009
Horror rules! I loved it and although it is a bit intense during the first chapter, I don't think it is anything like Alex Rider (pretty darn violent) or Lightning Thief. Both are much more complicated reading! I would rate them on a higher level.

Teachers who have elem students reading Alex Rider should consider themselves LUCKY! Very few students at ...See More
Sep 7, 2009

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