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Could you please help us? We have 400 new hymnals with barcode stickers on the back cover. What is the best/easiest way to remove them w/o harming the book.
Mrs. G Try "Goo Be Gone" (first read the label, to see if it works on the material of your hymnals). ~Mrs. G

On 7/14/09, Frances/TX wrote: > Could you please help us? We have 400 new hymnals with > barcode stickers on the back cover. What is the > best/easiest way to remove them w/o harming the book.
Jul 14, 2009
Jen On 7/14/09, Frances/TX wrote: > Could you please help us? We have 400 new hymnals with > barcode stickers on the back cover. What is the > best/easiest way to remove them w/o harming the book.

Be really careful with using anything like Goof-Off. A lot of times it does more harm than good.

Using a hair dryer is probably t...See More
Jul 16, 2009
Booklady Our public library tech mending specialist for archival materials, recommended B'laster E-Z Take-Away Sticker Remover. I used to get it from Highsmith or Demco but I'm not finding it on their websites. I think they changed the name slightly but not sure since it has been a few years since I ordered it. The toll free number on my bottle is 1-800-858...See More
Jul 16, 2009

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