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I was a 4th grade teacher for two years back in 2002-2004, but I burned out really quickly. Now that I have had some time away from the school setting I really miss it and am in school to obtain my MLS. However, I am very worried that since I hated being in a classroom, working in a school is not for me. Or if I do decide I do want to work in a school, how will I explain the huge lapse between teaching and being a media specialist. I have just started my MLS program so I have not gotten far enough in that I will backtrack any by changing to the public library track...any advice on how the media center is better/worse/different than a classroom? Thanks!
Mary Well, you don't have the same students all day. Different age groups are in and out for 45 min. class periods and you do what you want to do and it's over. :) I teach computers and love the movement. It also helps me that students have a computer in front of them. I would never go into a regular classroom again. I taught 5th for 1 year, computers f...See More
Jul 25, 2009
Two-Year Plus Retiree You might want to think about becoming a secondary school librarian instead of elementary. The library is not in the rotation in secondary school. At least, that is how it was in my district where I was an elementary school librarian first and then became a high school librarian. In middle and high schools, we would have classes sign up to come in ...See More
Jul 25, 2009

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