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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I've got a new LMS job at a high school where I've never worked. I want to give the teachers a survey to help me know how they currently use me and the library. I've searched and searched for a beginning framework but can't find anything.. just articles saying that we should do this.

Does anyone have something they use or suggestions on a direction to take?
Denise Reeder You can sign up to make a free survey at [link removed]

On 8/02/09, Kim Head wrote: > I've got a new LMS job at a high school where I've never > worked. I want to give the teachers a survey to help me > know how they currently use me and the library. I've > searched and searched for a beginning framework but ...See More
Aug 3, 2009
LL I would recommend this book "Powertools Recharged" by Joyce Valenza:

[link removed]

You can create a survey on Zoomerang [link removed]
Aug 7, 2009

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