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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Our school is participating in the Teacher Advancement Program this year (TAP). In order to observe me, the master and mentor teachers made out my schedule for grades 7-12. They said I must teach each week to one of these grades. I will eventually be observed in all. They are evaluating me on the same criteria that they will a teacher. I am a teacher, but I did explain to them that high school teachers have their own agenda when they wish to visit the library. I was told, "Perhaps you could teach a unit on Beowulf." They have no idea about what a librarian does. A collaborative unit on anything could be taught, but I'm supposed to teach the whole time without the teacher. Suggestions on what to do?
Susie Do you have a job description? Or any written documentation about what it is you are supposed to do? I would start with that, present it to your mentors and explain why they cannot dictate your schedule.

Mentoring is not meant to disrupt the teaching process. I would work to set my own schedule, then provide them with options on how to ob...See More
Sep 7, 2009

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