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One of the Gifted and talented teachers in my school was asking me to recommend a novel with an eco-friendly theme to it, sort of a "save the environment" type of thing. This would be for our 5th grade gifted level. I am having a hard time coming up with something. While I am on it, any new great novels for 8th grade that anyone would like to recommend? Thanks!!
try Jean Craighead George's novels. Tree Castle Island and The Talking Earth.

On 8/27/09, Kristine wrote: > One of the Gifted and talented teachers in my school was > asking me to recommend a novel with an eco-friendly theme > to it, sort of a "save the environment" type of thing. This > would be for our 5th grade gifted level. I am having a hard > tim...See More
Aug 27, 2009
Pamela Mould On 8/27/09, try Jean Craighead George's wrote: > novels. > Tree Castle Island and The Talking Earth. > > Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (fun, excellent message) Also, California Blue by David Klass. For the 8th grade, The Diary of Pelly D by Adlington. The Firestorm Trilogy by David Klass. Double Helix by Nancy Werlin is a biology-science fiction...See More
Aug 28, 2009
Margot Reiss On 8/27/09, Kristine wrote: > One of the Gifted and talented teachers in my school was > asking me to recommend a novel with an eco-friendly theme > to it, sort of a "save the environment" type of thing. This > would be for our 5th grade gifted level. I am having a hard > time coming up with something. > While I am on it, any new ...See More
Sep 1, 2009
I second that Look no further than these. In fact, I would love to do lit circles with each of these and have each group do a project based on the issue presented.

> For fifth grade gifted readers I would recommend either Scat, > Flush, or Hoot by Carl Hiaasen.
Sep 7, 2009

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