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Bullying has taken on a new form within the digital age. It is no longer bullying at the school play yard for lunch money. Bullying has morphed into cyber-bullying. A form of harassment via text messaging, IM, blogs, chat rooms and web threads has taken prevalence in recent years. - Guy Weaver in Teachers.Net Gazette, September 2009

Presents links to anti-cyberbullying resources.
Mrs. Pieciak On 9/07/09, Teachers.Net Gazette wrote: > Bullying has taken on a new form within the digital age. It > is no longer bullying at the school play yard for lunch > money. Bullying has morphed into cyber-bullying. A form of > harassment via text messaging, IM, blogs, chat rooms and web > threads has taken prevalence in recent years. - G...See More
Sep 18, 2009

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