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I am considering using Avi's Nothing But the Truth with a group of Honors Sixth Grade Students. I would love to hear from teachers who have used this book. First, what reactions did you have- if any- from parents and students about the mild profanity contained in the book? Second, do you have ideas for an engaging culminating activity for the book? (My focus this trimester is "plot.") Thanks!!
tgs/ga/8 I've taught it in the 8th grade for many years as part of a very long unit on persuasion. The novel itself allows for a great persuasive essay where students determine whether Philip Malloy or Mrs. Narwin was right, and they have to persuade why. I have also had students debate the issue as well.

Prior to reading it, I simply explain to my...See More
Jan 2, 2009
DP Julia,

I have used this book for the pass three year with a sixth grade honors class as well as with a regular ed class and they love it. There are so many themes you can address in this book: Conflict, half-truths ( most kids now a days only tell what you want to hear) Patriotism, and Bias (media). Just google the title for lessons and y...See More
Jan 13, 2009

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