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When doing a class book, how do you manage the notes/journals/activities that coincide during the reading.I have tried a variety of methods, but still battle with getting those that are half missing or such a mess from using it on a daily basis that I have trouble reading it. If you use a spiral notebook for each student for either reading or writing, do you have them keep their work intact in the notebook or tear it out when done? How do you deal with those students who are absent? I usually do The Watsons Go to Birmingham as a class book in January. I love this book and my kids have always enjoyed it. There are so many things to respond to in it and I'd like to decide how to approach it this year. Have any of you ever seen "Four Little Girls" - the Spike Lee documentary of the Birmingham church bombing in 1963? I've had trouble locating it to preview and wonder if it's appropriate for 6th grade. It sounds like it would fit right in with this book.

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