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This new middle-school novel combines a compelling adventure story with a lot of great instruction on how to read maps and navigate not only your landscape, but your life.

With a well-structured plot line, cleverly crafted twists, an occassionally unreliable narrator, symbolism, and foreshadowing, it would make a great novel study book for any class, but its additional attention to the details of reading maps and navigating through difficult terrain make it an absolute must read for STEM students.

Please check out the link to a sample below, and feel free to pass on the link to any educator in your school who you feel would be interested. Let me know if you need me to send you a full copy to review!
tobiasramirez Great, thanks!
Jul 10, 2022
tobiasramirez Great, thanks!
Jul 10, 2022
tobiasramirez Great, thanks!
Jul 10, 2022
tobiasramirez Great, thanks!
Jul 10, 2022
Ezekiel Cook Thank you very much for the recommendations. For the past few months, I have been reading exclusively non-fiction or non-fiction that is useful for my studies. On the page I found a very interesting review of the book Into The Wild and I plan to read it all at once, despite the lack of time.
Jul 22, 2022

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