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I have a question and I hope someone has a answer. This is my question,in todays economic crisis is it a good idea to be employed as a teacher,second is there jobs for new graduates in education ???????
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suzy I have taught K-grade 8. Teaching is a lot of hard is both a profession and a way of life if you are good at it.

Yes, more money will be placed in special education but if you do that take more courses in the teaching of reading or else you will not know how to teach it and rely on reading specialists like me...I teach many speci...See More
Mar 6, 2009
Sped sub Sorry, Bryan, I'm going to disagree with the other posters. Please don't go into Special Ed unless you truly have a desire to help the other kids - those that struggle because of ability, disability or behavior. In some places it doesn't get you any more money, but it does get you much more paperwork and heartache. I make the same money as anyone e...See More
Mar 9, 2009
Cathy in NC Bryan, If you want to be a teacher and have the passion needed, don't let anything stop you. Yes, this country is in an economic crisis, and yes, there are teachers losing their jobs, but there are also places in this country that NEED good teachers. You are going to have to do some research and see where there are openings, but if you really want ...See More
Mar 10, 2009
supply and demand Adam Smith in the Wealth of Nations described pay in the free market as being driven by supply of employees. In the free market, if a job s ucks, then there will be fewer people to take that job and the pay will have to increase to a point where people will finally consider the compensation adequate to the working conditions of the job.

T...See More
Mar 12, 2009
Steve \Obama hasn't blamed teachers -if anyone, he's blaming parents. Why do we think that because accountability is asked of schools that it means teachers are being blamed? That kind of paranoid attitude doesn't serve the profession well.

I pay taxes just like anyone else but unlike some other teachers, I don't want a free ride - I want my tax...See More
Apr 1, 2009

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