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Hello, all.

I taught for 4.5 years, but have been out of the classroom for the past 3 years getting a master's degree.

The district I taught in before was small and drama-laden. They were incredibly disrespectful of teachers time. For example, they would do things like drop by one afternoon and announce a brand new program that needed to be implementented immediately, thereby rendering useless the months worth of photocopying/planning/scheduling you'd done based on what was "required" before.

Students ran the school, and EVERYBODY knew it. There was no consequence for student behavior besides what you could come up with as an individual teacher. The idea of school- wide enforcement was a joke, as being sent to the vice principal resulted in nothing.

The district required so much professional development (usually a random 2 nights a week), that creating a schedule for planning, grading, photocopying, calling parents, etc. was impossible. Professional ...See More
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original poster I taught 5th but will be teaching middle school when I return.

On 6/19/09, TN wrote: > What grade do you teach?
Jun 19, 2009
TN Some of these ideas may not work for you since I teach 4th. The best thing that I have found to help maintain classroom management is proximity. My classroom is arranged so that I can walk in front of or behind eveyone in the class. I am always walking around my room so that I am in close contact with everyone. This also allows me to check their wo...See More
Jun 22, 2009
Wow! Thanks! (from original poster) Thank you SO VERY MUCH for taking the time to post the content below, TN.

Everything you posted below has me feeling hopeful. The actions below are sensible, in my control, don't involve admin, inexpensive, and student-centric, "manage" themselves as routines, etc. I really, really appreciate your help . . . I can't tell you.

It i...See More
Jun 23, 2009
TN I would be careful about penalizing the whole class for the behavior of some of the students. If I were a student who was not causing problems but I got in troube any way I would not be very happy with my teacher. This is more likely to make your classroom management worse instead of better. (Why should I behave correctly if I'm just going to get i...See More
Jun 23, 2009
Keri I was reading your post and I teach middle school 6 & 8th grade. I love the idea of the apple. Its brilliant! I'm going to try it next year. I too have had problems with students disrupting the class but this is something I can use. On 6/23/09, TN wrote: > I would be careful about penalizing the whole class for the > behavior of some of t...See More
Jun 23, 2009

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